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With ‘Black Adam,’ Dwayne Johnson Puts His “Franchise Viagra” Reputation To The Test

In 2015, the cast of Saturday Night Live crooned about Dwayne Johnson being “franchise Viagra” during the actor’s opening monologue. Seven years later, the $142.9 million global debut for Black Adam suggests that, in a time of transition for DC, Johnson is indeed the boost the Warner Bros. Discovery-owned comic brand needs.

Even if Black Adam won’t hit the $1 billion box office heights of Aquaman, and even if it doesn’t achieve the artistic triumphs of James Gunn and Matt Reeves’ DC ventures, Johnson gives DC the opportunity to expand its reach beyond its core fans. Not everyone knows Black Adam or the Justice Society, but they all know the Rock.

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Ever the salesman, the wrestler turned actor, producer and entrepreneur has always excelled at selling one thing above all else: himself. While his presence hasn’t always resulted in the billion-dollar box office blockbusters Hollywood studios are constantly chasing, the addition of Johnson has led to a string of solid hits and just a few misses due to his global appeal.

Most franchises he’s joined have been lifted by his face on the poster, including The Mummy, The Fast and the Furious and Jumanji. Even G.I. Joe: Retaliation, something of a dud, made $375.7 million worldwide, more than the first installment. The same goes for Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, which topped its Brendan Fraser-led predecessor. And as far as solo projects are concerned, San Andreas (2015) and Rampage (2018) both crossed $400 million worldwide. Additionally, his team-up with Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot in Red Notice (2021) became Netflix’s most streamed movie, according to the service.

Pierce Brosnan and Dwayne Johnson in Black Adam 

© Provided by The Hollywood Reporter Pierce Brosnan and Dwayne Johnson in Black Adam

There is also a likability factor at play with Johnson. He’s a positive face for a DC franchise currently beset by stars with legal drama and a reluctance — see: Henry Cavill, until very recently — to commit to this universe long-term. Johnson’s recent comments about not wanting to chase Marvel, but to push DC to do its own thing, was the perfect capsule of optimism for fans, even if the WBD suits surely have one jealous eye cast the way of Marvel Studios.

According to sources with access to the polling, 43 percent of moviegoers told analytics firm PostTrack that Johnson was the primary reason they went to see Black Adam, while 40 percent went because of the genre.

So, beyond a Black Adam sequel, what could Johnson’s presence add to the DC Extended Universe? A Black Adam vs Superman film seems too simplistic to entertain, and even Johnson has cast doubt on the idea coming anytime soon (after pumping it up in the press). It’s possible Black Adam could join the Justice League, as he did in a recent comic run by writer Brian Michael Bendis. But with the Justice Society getting introduced, and being one of the strongest elements in the film, it seems more likely we’ll see Black Adam continue to pal around with their growing roster, even if he’s reluctant to officially join them.

If a third Shazam! Film happens, perhaps audiences will get the long-awaited and much-delayed showdown between Adam and Shazam! That originally formed the basis of the first movie before it was rewritten.

But Johnson seems focused on making Black Adam A-list and not just an antagonist to the Shazam! Family. Johnson certainly has a lot of A-list friends and pull in Hollywood (who else could convince Emily Blunt to star in Jungle Cruise?) and Warners’ new leadership seems specifically focused on star power that justifies theatrical-only distribution.

So what does a Rock-sized pull of A-listers in the DCEU look like? Perhaps a Justice League/Justice Society film that sees the two superteams at odds, and then later united against a common threat. Maybe that threat could even be Darkseid, if Warners doesn’t want to scrap what it has already set up over the years.

For audiences, there is a comforting consistency that comes with seeing a Johnson movie. Is Black Adam the most original superhero movie? No. Does it pull from stories we’ve seen before? Yes. Black Adam isn’t risky, but maybe at this point, that’s exactly what the DCEU needs.

There’s a reason why a film like Avatar, which no one is claiming to be a very original story, is the biggest film of all time: because it successfully marries spectacle with familiarity and themes that, while familiar, transcend borders. On principle, Black Adam manages to do the same thing, and while most critics weren’t high on the film, there’s something to be said about its international numbers. Those numbers are particularly telling in places like Latin America and South East Asia, where audiences and critics don’t seem to have as many hang-ups about originality as we do stateside.

None of this is to say that Black Adam excels in every area. There’s some clunky exposition and pacing issues, but it’s fun and entertaining, and yes, if we think back on the history of blockbuster movies, sometimes that’s enough. For all the critical complaints about its lack of risk-taking and generic world-building, I’d argue that Black Adam takes a stance that we’ve seen very few superhero movies take: It portrays superpowered individuals who come to dole out their brand of justice in foreign countries as invaders.

As Black Adam tells Hawkman in one scene where the latter attempts to save a kidnapped boy his own way, “He’s not your son, and this is not your country.” Johnson manages to successfully shake off any attempts to tether Adam to the ground as a generic hero, and instead he emerges as someone who, while not entirely accurate to the comic book depiction, feels cut from the cloth of pulp heroes that inspired superheroes, along with so many of Johnson’s onscreen roles.

One of the biggest surprises of Black Adam is how pro-uprising it is. It challenges the line between good and evil by asking the viewer to take a look at who’s drawing that line. And not only that, the film takes the Justice Society to task for being an absent presence in Khandaq for the 75 years of the team’s existence and the country’s continued oppression. Amidst recent comments from former comic scribe Alan Moore about superhero movies being precursors to fascism, I couldn’t help but notice how anti-fascist Black Adam is.

And now, Dwayne Johnson, the People’s Champ, as he was known in the wrestling world, has naturally transitioned to becoming Kahndaq’s champ, and maybe, just maybe the DCEU’s champ, as Black Adam.

As Johnson reconfigures Black Adam from a Shazam! Adversary to a Superman antagonist, while also using Black Adam to pull together the DCEU’s various threads from The Suicide Squad to Zack Snyder’s Justice League, all while introducing the Justice Society, one can’t help but wonder if the second biggest tool in the Warners utility belt after Batman is Dwayne Johnson.

—Pamela McClintock contributed reporting.

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My Partner Can’t Maintain An Erection And I’ve Suggested Viagra, But He Puts Me Off. Should I Just Accept It?

My partner is loving, kind and wonderful. But he avoids being intimate with me because he cannot maintain an erection. I am trying hard not to take this personally. I want to support him, but he doesn’t want to talk about it. He feels pressured to perform but he doesn’t need to for me – I would just like some level of intimacy. I have gently raised the subject of Viagra, but he puts off the conversation. I have suggested we go to the pharmacy together or he goes alone, and though he has agreed, he never does. I tell him it is very normal, especially after 40. Maybe I should just accept things as they are as I definitely don’t want to pressure him.

Many men avoid sex because they are afraid they will be unable to achieve an erection. It’s easier to say to a partner: “I’m not in the mood” than face what they would consider a failure to perform. No matter how often you insist it wouldn’t matter, your husband will not believe you. An approach that is more likely to succeed is for you to mention truthfully that you have learned erectile difficulties are not necessarily age-related and need to be investigated. Let him know that, in fact, they can be symptoms of an underlying medical condition (diabetes for example) and send him to your primary care doctor. A physician may be able to calm his fears and educate and assess him – and perhaps prescribe something to counteract erectile dysfunction. At the moment, I imagine he is scared, and will feel threatened by any discussion you may initiate, so seek the kind of help that will hopefully be more palatable for him.

  • If you would like advice from Pamela on sexual matters, send us a brief description of your concerns to private.Lives@theguardian.Com (please don’t send attachments). Each week, Pamela chooses one problem to answer, which will be published online. She regrets that she cannot enter into personal correspondence. Submissions are subject to our terms and conditions.

  • Over-the-Counter ED Alternatives To Viagra: Do They Work?

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects millions of people around the world. In the United States, about 30 million men have ED. Men over 75 years old are more likely to have it, but even men in their 20s can experience it.

    Symptoms of ED include:

  • the inability to get an erection
  • the inability to sustain an erection
  • reduced sexual desire
  • ED is most often treated with lifestyle changes and medications. In 1998, Viagra became the first medication to be Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved to treat ED. Viagra works by helping the blood vessels in your penis relax to allow more blood flow.

    Since then, other types of medications have also been FDA approved to treat ED, but they’re all only available by prescription.

    Many over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, including herbal supplements, claim to be able to treat ED, but none of these options are approved by the FDA. Medical professionals often dissuade people from using these products because they’re not regulated for safety and proper labeling.

    Some of these products include:

    Before deciding to try an OTC treatment, speak with a doctor. This is especially important if you:

  • have any health conditions or concerns
  • are undergoing treatment for a health issue
  • are taking medications or other supplements
  • Viagra is only available with a prescription in the United States, Canada, and most other countries. Viagra is sold under the generic name sildenafil, which is also only available with a prescription.

    Many medical clinics now offer remote health services where you can request a prescription online without visiting a doctor in person.

    Many online companies claim to sell Viagra without a prescription, but this is illegal. Many of these sites sell counterfeits.

    In 2017, the United Kingdom made Viagra available OTC to make it more available for people with ED who may be reluctant to visit their doctor.

    Learn more about how to get Viagra.

    The following five supplements are available OTC and may be able to improve ED.

    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

    The steroid hormone DHEA is found naturally in some soy products and yams. According to a landmark Massachusetts Male Aging Study from 1994, low levels of DHEA are associated with a higher risk of ED.

    A 2018 review found that DHEA declines with age. It noted that this correlates with the decline of various physiological functions, including erectile function. However, the review concludes that it’s unclear whether supplementing with DHEA could help prevent or treat age-related disorders.

    Similarly, a 2020 review found conflicting research on whether DHEA was helpful for sexual function. More research is needed to determine whether it’s a safe and effective choice for ED.

    If you do decide to try DHEA, be wary of products that claim that they contain “natural” DHEA. The human body can’t naturally produce DHEA by consuming sources that contain it. Any claim that a product can provide the body with “natural” DHEA is false.

    Learn more about DHEA supplements.


    L-arginine, an amino acid, may help treat ED by improving blood flow to the penis. However, it can cause mild cramping and nausea.

    Your body converts L-arginine into a molecule called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide acts as a neurotransmitter and causes the blood vessels in your penis to relax, making it easier to get an erection.

    Pierce Brosnan and Dwayne Johnson in Black Adam

    Experts still don’t know how effective L-arginine supplementation is for ED. However, limited research seems to suggest it plays a role in combination with other ED drugs, such as:

  • Cialis: A small, 120-person study from 2020 found that pairing tadalafil (Cialis) and L-arginine could significantly increase sexual health and testosterone levels in men over age 60, compared with either substance alone. Cialis is only available by prescription in the United States.
  • Viagra: Additionally, a study from 2019 found that combining L-arginine and sildenafil (Viagra) worked better for treating ED than sildenafil alone.
  • Yohimbine: An older study from 2002 also found that L-arginine combined with yohimbine worked well for treating ED. However, it was a very small study with only 45 participants.
  • French maritime pine bark extract: A 2019 review published in the Journal of Psychosexual Health found that L-arginine paired with pine bark extract was more effective than L-arginine alone.
  • L-arginine has also been used successfully as part of hormone level testing and to treat metabolic alkalosis in children.

    More research and larger studies need to be done before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves it as an ED treatment. According to the review published in the Journal of Psychosexual Health, current studies are few in number and have very small sample sizes.


    Alternative medicine advocates have long celebrated ginseng as a powerful aphrodisiac, meaning it’s thought to boost desire and sex drive.

    Of particular interest is Korean red ginseng, which is also known as Chinese ginseng or Panax ginseng. Some research suggests that it may help treat ED symptoms, but more research is needed to draw definitive conclusions.

    Animal research

    In an animal study performed on rabbits and rats, a type of ginseng known as tissue-cultured mountain ginseng 100 was found to help relax penile smooth muscle, which leads to better erectile function. Blood testosterone levels also increased.

    Human research

    A 2012 study placed 119 men with mild to moderate ED — and no serious coexisting conditions like endocrine system disease — into two groups.

    One group received a placebo. The other group received four ginseng pills a day, with each pill containing 350 milligrams (mg) of Korean ginseng berry extract.

    Researchers found that taking the Korean ginseng berry extract pills for 4 to 8 weeks led to improvements in:

    However, the men who took the placebo also saw their symptoms improve at similar rates.

    Another study from 2021 involving 52 people found that a combination of ginseng and vitamin E may help improve ED, especially when compared with a placebo. There were no safety issues or negative effects noted after 6 weeks.

    However, a 2021 review of nine studies comparing ginseng to a placebo concluded ginseng has a minimal effect on ED, though it may improve men’s self-reported ability to have intercourse.

    Overall, there may be a role for ginseng in helping treat ED, but more research is needed to narrow down appropriate doses and potential side effects.


    Yohimbe is another supplement that helps treat ED by stimulating penile blood flow.

    It promotes the production of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that’s vital to achieving erections. Research from 2013 shows that it can improve orgasmic function and ejaculation in men as well.

    Yohimbe is also known by the name of its most active ingredient, yohimbine.

    Yohimbe has been linked with a number of side effects, including:

    At very high doses, it can also be fatal.

    As a result, some medical experts are hesitant to recommend it. Proceed with caution and speak with your doctor before trying yohimbe.


    Propionyl-L-carnitine is a chemical that naturally occurs in the body and acts as an antioxidant. It’s related to the amino acid derivative L-carnitine.

    Propionyl-L-carnitine is often used to address blood flow and other issues related to the circulatory system, making it a potential ED remedy.

    Older research has shown that propionyl-L-carnitine and L-carnitine also enhance the effects of sildenafil (Viagra). However, research is still very limited.

    OTC medications for ED have often sparked controversy in the medical community.

    The FDA has warned about the potential risks of ED products available online. Risks include undisclosed ingredients and harmful side effects.

    Hidden ingredients

    Some OTC treatments for ED may be effective, but they may not be safe.

    Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA in the same manner as traditional OTC or prescription medications. This means that there is no evidence or very little evidence to support the manufacturer’s claim. While these supplements may help some people, overall their effectiveness and safety are generally untested.

    Some dietary supplements sold online contain ingredients not listed on the label, and these ingredients could be dangerous for some people who take them.

    The amount present of each of these active ingredients may not be consistent either.

    Potentially harmful side effects

    The unlisted ingredients may also cause harmful side effects in certain users.

    Some herbs effective in treating ED in animals may not have been tested on humans, resulting in unexpected side effects.

    In addition, OTC treatments can interact with other medications taken for ED, making the supplements unsafe.

    Ingredients in these OTC treatments can also cause unsafe interactions with medications taken for other conditions.

    Importantly, taking an OTC drug that contains sildenafil at the same time as a drug that contains nitrates, such as one for diabetes or heart disease, can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

    Traditional ED treatments such as sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), and tadalafil (Cialis) are often also used to treat pulmonary hypertension.

    A 2013 study shows that combining ED treatments containing these medications with nitrates or alpha-blockers can cause problems.

    Other treatments for ED include:

    Injectable or suppository drugs

    Penile injectable medications are a second-line treatment for ED, meaning a doctor may prescribe them if oral medications aren’t working or you can’t tolerate them well. These injectable medications work by relaxing the blood vessels in your penis.

    The main types of medications used are:

    Most people start with Trimix, which is a mixture of the three medications:

  • alprostadil
  • phentolamine
  • papaverine
  • The Yale School of Medicine reports satisfaction in 70% of men treated at their practice who take injectable medications for ED.

    The medication alprostadil is also available as a suppository that goes into the tip of your penis.

    Lifestyle changes

    Improving lifestyle habits may help improve symptoms of ED by improving your circulation and improving psychological factors that may be contributing. These habits include:

    Penis pumps

    Penis pumps are cylinders that can be placed around your penis to pump blood until you achieve an erection. They’re most often recommended when medications don’t work. Most people find they’re effective at producing an erection.

    Penile implants

    A penile implant is an inflatable rod that’s inserted into your penis. It comes with a pump hidden in your scrotum. When you press the pump, the implant fills with saline to give you an erection.

    Implants are generally reserved for cases of ED that don’t respond to medications. Most people who receive them are satisfied with their results, with several studies reporting a more than 90% satisfaction rate.


    A type of surgery called microsurgical penile revascularization can help restore blood flow to the blood vessels of the penis by bypassing blocked arteries. This surgery has the potential to be effective, but it’s usually only performed for men with traumatic injury to the pelvis.

    When it comes to erectile dysfunction, despite the wide research into treatment options, what causes it is still relatively unknown. While there isn’t a conclusive way to prevent ED, there are a few lifestyle changes that you can make to minimize your risk.

    Managing life stressors

    The causes of ED aren’t always physical and can sometimes tie back to stressors in your life. Relationship issues, starting or losing a job, or even moving to a new home can all contribute to experiencing ED symptoms.

    Whenever possible, try to take the time to manage your stress or remove stressors in your daily life to help reduce the risk of developing ED.

    Consider your nutritional diet

    A diet that is low in antioxidants, amino acids like L-arginine and L-carnitine, or lacking crucial vitamins like vitamin D, can contribute to ED symptoms. Consider adding foods high in antioxidants and amino acids to your diet and talk with your doctor about possible vitamin supplements that could be added to your nutritional routine.

    Talk with your sexual partner

    While it may seem like an uncomfortable suggestion, open lines of communication with your sexual partner can be very important. Worrying about becoming erect or disappointing your partner during sex can easily distract you from anticipating, becoming aroused for, and ultimately enjoying sex, which could even further contribute to losing an erection.

    If you lose an erection during sex or can’t become erect, consider talking with your partner about trying again later, discuss other sexual activities you can enjoy together, or share the fantasies or desires that arouse you both to better your chances of becoming and staying erect.

    It is not uncommon to sometimes have difficulty keeping an erection for the duration of a sexual encounter or achieving a full erection when aroused. Especially as a person ages, it can become more common as well.

    However, if these instances occur several times in a week and over a period of 4 or more weeks, it may be worth talking with your doctor to see if erectile dysfunction may be the cause.

    Your doctor will be able to discuss your possible treatment option and give their advice on the effectiveness of natural or over-the-counter treatments.

    In general, it’s important to talk with your doctor before adding new supplements to your diet, even if they are sold over the counter. Some of these supplements can interact poorly with other medications you may be taking and could potentially create other health issues down the road.

    What causes ED?

    There are many causes of ED, including mental, emotional, and physical.

    Emotional and mental causes may include:

    Physical causes include:

    There may be a single cause of ED or several causes, so it’s important to see your doctor for a diagnosis.

    How do you know whether ED is physical or mental?

    If you’re experiencing erections while you sleep, it’s an indication of normal physiological erectile function. If that’s the case, your ED could have an emotional or mental cause rather than physical.

    If you’re not sure whether you’re experiencing erections at night, consider an erection self-test. It can help you determine whether your ED is physical or mental.

    Is it safe to combine multiple ED treatments?

    Combination therapy for ED is possible in certain instances, but it does not apply to every treatment.

    In some cases, combining treatments can be unsafe or even dangerous.

    Before combining ED treatments, speak with your doctor.

    Can you get Viagra without a prescription?

    You can’t legally get Viagra in the United States and most other countries without a prescription. The United Kingdom is one notable exception.

    If you don’t want to visit a doctor in person, you can get a prescription remotely using a telehealth service from your home.

    Pierce Brosnan and Dwayne Johnson in Black Adam

    How can I get ED treatment without a prescription?

    You can buy OTC supplements that may help treat ED from most places that sell supplements. However, the safety and effectiveness of these products aren’t regulated by the FDA.

    Making lifestyle changes, such as eating a nutrient-dense diet and getting regular exercise may help improve ED without medication. However, popular FDA-approved medications like Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil) require a prescription.

    Talk with your doctor before trying an OTC treatment for ED.

    Always check to be sure that an herbal or a dietary supplement has been approved or at least tested by a trusted agency, such as the FDA or the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

    Some untested treatment options may temporarily resolve your issues, but it’s not worth potential health risks. Proper research or medical consultation are key to finding a successful ED treatment.


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